Annual Performance Evaluations

Set Goal, Make Plan, Get to Work, Stick to It, Reach Goal, Smiley Face
The Bargaining Agreements and Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) Procedures require the completion of an Annual Performance Evaluation for all classified employees. The communication involved in any good review process ensures that you will stay in tune with the needs and concerns of your workforce.  
Completing the Process
Prior to the Meeting:
  1. Utilize the comment sections.
  2. Base your responses on the performance over the entire past year.
  3. Schedule a time in advance, in a quiet and private location.
  4. Give the employee a copy of the evaluation to review before the meeting
    During the Meeting:
  5. Welcome them!
  6. Compare the performance results and behaviors to the objectives.
  7. Summarize the session.
  8. If the employee wants to provide a written response following the meeting, set a timeframe so you can attach it to the evaluation prior to the submission to your supervisor.
    Following the Meeting:
  9. Sign the evaluation.
  10. Secure your supervisor's signature.
  11. Secure the employee's signature. An employee signing the evaluation does not mean they agree with the evaluation; it means that the evaluation has been shared with them.
  12. Provide a signed copy of the evaluation for the employee.
  13. Explain that the signed original will be sent to Human Resources for placement in their personnel file.
  14. Submit the original signed evaluation to the Human Resources Office (Somsen 114) by the deadline, February 28, 2023
  15. Keep a copy for your files.