Other Resources for Families

You might be looking for more information about how best to support your student, and how to navigate your changing relationship with your student. There are many great resources available to provide you with additional information, suggestions and support.

This is not a comprehensive list, but here are a few proven resources to get you started.


College Parent Central

This site provides resources and information for all phases of college-student parenthood, including timely blog posts on issues you may be facing. You can also sign up to receive a free monthly newsletter.

Federal Student Aid: Resources for Parents

The webpage provided by the U.S. Department of Education provides information about saving for college, financial aid awards and the financial aid application process.

College Drinking: Changing the Culture 

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) provides college drinking facts for parents, suggestions for how to talk with your student about the risks of drinking alcohol and other useful tools.

SAMHSA's (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) - "The Sound of Your Voice"

SAMHSA's Companion Guide about how to develop effective conversations with college-aged youth about the risks of underage drinking and alcohol-related disorders (free to download)


“Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties”
by Jeffrey Arnett | Oxford University Press (2014

Dr. Jeffrey Arnett, a sociologist, has spent decades studying students as they transition into college. His work led him to identify a new developmental “life stage” between adolescence and young adulthood.  Known as “emerging adulthood,” it is defined as the period between ages 18-24 and marked by identity exploration, instability (in terms of intimate relationships, work and residence), self-focus, a feeling of “in-between” (neither child nor adults) and optimism.

“Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds”
by Richard Light | Harvard University Press (2004)

Harvard professor Dr. Richard Light provides insight into academic and personal success, gleaned from ten years of interviews with successful Harvard seniors.

“You’re On Your Own (But I’m Here If You Need Me)”
by Marjorie Savage | Touchstone Press (2009)

This author is from Minnesota and has worked with college students (and their parents) for more than a decade at the University of Minnesota. This book provides guidance to develop the boundaries between necessary support and respect for your student’s independence, even when they send mixed messages about what they want or need from you.