Campus Security Act

Title II of Public Law 101-542: "The Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act" was enacted by Congress and signed into law on November 8, 1990.

The name of the bill has been changed to "Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act", or "Clery Bill". This law amended section 485 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 by adding campus crime statistics and security disclosure provisions for colleges and universities.

Anyone is entitled to a copy of Winona State University's security disclosure document upon request.

The Campus Security Act Report may be downloaded below or obtained in print by contacting the the Director of Security, Chris Cichosz at

Winona State University also conducts classes in Rochester, Minnesota. The Campus Security Act for the Rochester Campus can also be downloaded below or by contacting the Director of Security.

Additionally, the Campus Security Act requirements for the Rochester Community Technical College (University Center Rochester) can be obtained from the UCR website or by contacting the Director of Security, Chris Cichosz at

View the 2022 WSU Annual Security & Fire Safety Report: WSU-Winona Campus, WSU-Rochester-RCTC Campus & WSU-Rochester-Broadway Campus (PDF).