Report an Incident

Once you have chosen the appropriate reporting form, you are not required to complete the entire form in order for the complaint to be submitted. However, you must complete fields denoted with an asterisk (*). The University will use the information provided to address the complaint, which can include an investigation and contacting the complainant, respondent and/or any potential witnesses. If the report does not contain specific information, the University's investigation and response may be limited.

Winona State University personnel/office(s) responsible for the reporting forms will treat all information with appropriate discretion, given the nature of the information and the circumstances regarding its use. We care about all persons and their privacy and, whenever possible, will keep their information and inquiries confidential. 

WSU’s Behavioral Assessment & Intervention Team (B.A.I.T.) primary mission is to provide support and guidance for faculty, staff, and administrators as “students of concern” emerge in classrooms, residence halls, student activities, performances and the greater Winona community. WSU has developed a web-based reporting program to assist B.A.I.T. where members of the campus community can confidentially submit information to the team regarding student care needs or a concerning pattern or marked change of student behavior. 

The University’s Student Conduct Code is designed to promote attitudes conducive to learning; hold students accountable for violating University standards, and protect the due process rights of those charged with Student Conduct Code violations. All students are expected to comply with the Student Conduct Code. The University has an obligation to investigate conduct that interferes with the rights of others, threatens University property, or interferes with the University’s educational mission. The University also supports local, state, and federal laws. Submit a report if you feel the conduct code has not been followed.

The purpose of the program is to obtain information regarding criminal activity along with other concerns so the appropriate departments on campus can effectively deal with an incident or pattern of behavior that may inhibit our learning environment. Since it allows for anonymous reporting it may increase the likelihood that criminal activity will be reported. Please keep in mind that if the report is anonymous or lacking necessary information the University and/or law enforcement may be limited in what can be done. Submit an "I Witness" report.

Sexual violence is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual and is prohibited at Winona State University (1B.3 Sexual Violence Policy).

Winona State University is committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms and will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of this policy. Acts of sexual violence may also constitute violations of criminal or civil law, or other Board Policies that may require separate proceedings.

To further its commitment against sexual violence, Winona State University provides reporting options, an investigative and disciplinary process, and prevention training or other related services as appropriate in accordance with Title IX federal law.

Submit a sexual violence and misconduct report.

The CSA Report Form is to be used by Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) or individuals who believe they may be a Campus Security Authority, to report Clery Act crimes. CSAs are responsible for reporting allegations of Clery Act crimes that are reported to them in their capacity as a CSA. CSA's are not responsible for determining whether a crime took place. Whether or not you know you are a CSA please use this form. If you are unsure if you should be using this form contact the Director of Security at 457-5555. In an emergency, call 911.