WSU Regulation Number 8-2

Policy for the Use of the Watkins Hall


During the 1920's and early 1930's, the Paul Watkins family presented to Winona State Teachers College (now Winona State University) several hundred art objects including prints, photos, paintings, and pieces of sculpture for display by WSU for the benefit of WSU faculty and students and the community of Winona. The exact number and description of the Collection as presented are unknown, since neither the University nor the family has been successful in locating a complete inventory of the Collection as it was presented. A recent review of various records by the University, however, suggests that the full Collection perhaps consisted of 574 pieces.

Unfortunately, during the 62 years that have elapsed since acceptance of the first Watkins art objects by the University, the number of pieces in the Collection has diminished. The reason the items are missing is unclear. Through adoption of this policy, however, assurances are provided that care and diligence will be exercised for current and future maintenance of the Collection.

Watkins Collection Committee

There shall be established a Watkins Collection Committee whose duties shall be to provide advice to the President or the designee relative to the use, maintenance, exhibition, and storage of the Watkins Collection. The Committee shall consist of:

  • The Dean of the College of Liberal Arts or their designee
  • A member of the Art Department
  • A representative from University Relations
  • A representative of the Watkins family, designated by the family.

The Committee shall meet at least semi-annually and shall submit a written annual report to the President of the University and to members of the Watkins family. The report shall summarize the status of the Collection and shall make recommendations to the President or designee relative to the administration of the Collection, proposed exhibitions, place of exhibitions, selection of items to be exhibited, storage and repair, cleaning and maintenance, and loan considerations. The Committee will also consider ways and means of enhancing the Collection and providing funding options for maintenance of the Collection.


The University shall exercise diligence in attempting to locate items currently missing from the Collection.

The Chairperson of the Department of Art and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts will be responsible for maintaining the inventory, and will work with the appropriate University personnel on the Collection. Each year a copy of the inventory shall be provided to the Watkins Collection Committee.

Should the University decide to reduce the inventory by sale or other means, the Watkins family representative (designated in paragraph 1 above) shall be informed of such decision in writing. The Watkins family shall have the option to take ownership of any item that is to be removed from the Collection at a cost not to exceed the most recent appraised value. In order to exercise this option, the Watkins representative must advise the Watkins Collection Committee, in writing, of the family's decision to acquire the piece(s) within 90 days of receiving notice that a decision has been made to remove the piece. The family shall provide direction as to which member(s) of the family is to receive the item(s) in question. If no such notice is received, WSU shall be free to sell or otherwise dispose of the piece(s) in question.


The university will at appropriate intervals update the 1986 appraisal of the collection.


The University will maintain insurance on the collection for an amount representing the appraisal value of the Collection. The Watkins Collection Committee shall be consulted relative to coverage parameters, costs, agents, carriers, and reappraisals, but final decisions concerning insurance shall be the University's.


The Watkins Collection Committee shall make recommendations to the Chairperson of the Department of Art and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts relative to proposed exhibits designed to highlight the merits of the Collection, exhibition promotion, Collection security, and the identification of individual pieces - The committee shall also make recommendations relative to continuous display of selected pieces. The University shall have final authority to determine matters relating to the 'promotion, security, and exhibition of the Collection.


The University shall safeguard the Collection by providing a protective environment for both displayed items and that part of the Collection that is not being exhibited.


The University shall establish and follow procedures which provide for periodic and proper maintenance, repair, and improvements to the Collection. Such procedures shall be reviewed by the Watkins Collection Committee, but final decisions regarding maintenance shall be the University's.


This WSU Regulation supersedes WSU Policy 5-3, dated October 29, 1986.


Thomas F. Stark


Authoritative Reference

SUB IR 404 B5


Last Modified: Thursday, February 12, 2009 12:33