Winona State University Alumni Road Warriors

Road Warriors

Tell the WSU story and share your experiences with prospective students as a Road Warrior.

The WSU Alumni Road Warriors is a brand-new program that allows graduates to join the Alumni Engagement and WSU Admissions teams and help us at local college fairs or college days in your area.

We can’t cover all the fairs, so that’s where you come in.

With your previous experience as a WSU student, you have the right enthusiasm to make a positive impact on new students’ interest in Winona State University as well as their overall college decision journey.

What You’ll Get

As a Road Warrior, you’ll get everything you need to create an eye-catching table:

  • A WSU table blanket and pennant
  • Marketing materials
  • Admissions counselor business cards
  • A pad of paper and pens

You’ll also receive your very own Road Warriors polo shirt and name badge.

Meet Your 2021-2022 Road Warriors


Kevin Baker '20

Kevin majored in Physical Education and double minored in Adaptive Physical Education (Teaching) and Criminal Justice. During his time at WSU, he had various roles within Housing and Residence Life.

"WSU is a campus like no other. The proximity to the Mississippi River, East Lake/West Lake, and the bluffs of the Driftless Area make it an outdoor enthusiast's dream!"

Kevin currently resides in the Green Bay/Fox Cities area of Wisconsin.


Whitney Ederer ‘14

Regulatory Analyst, Examination Resources LLC

Whitney majored in paralegal studies and minored in sociology. She also took classes relating to political science and history. She then attended law and public health school in Wisconsin.

During her time at WSU, she enjoyed working in the history department and being an astronomy teacher’s assistant and liberal arts tutor.

She was also a student orientation leader, Welcome Crew volunteer, campus tour guide, and Student Senate representative, and she participated in various student organizations. Her favorite season in Winona is the Fall with the changing leaves of the bluffs.

Whitney currently resides in Wisconsin with her fiancé and two pets.


Haley (Putnam) Joyce ‘16

Haley majored in communication studies. During her time at WSU, she was a member of Delta Phi Epsilon, campus tour guide, a talk show host for WSU’s KQAL radio station, and a Student Supervisor for the Alumni Foundation call center.

“I could never pick just one thing I love about Winona because each experience and memory I have as a student was too incredible. I'm so grateful to now be serving on our Alumni Advisory Board and am a proud Road Warrior attending college fairs and assisting our Admissions team!”

Haley currently resides in Chicago, IL, and works in the technology industry.


Waihon Liew '91, ‘20

Teacher and Life Coach

Waihon earned his master’s degree in educational leadership. During his graduate studies at WSU, he was a teacher and mentor at a charter school that predominantly serves new immigrants from Myanmar. He was also a mentor for future educators under the Physical and Health Education Canada organization as well as a volunteer and mentor for Golden Key International.

He also attended WSU as an undergraduate student in 1991, majoring in human resource management. He was the president of the Malaysian Student Club, a campus tour guide, and a member of the Human Resource Club. He was also a track and field athlete and represented WSU in the long jump three times.

“One of my favorite things about WSU is the size of the school—it’s smedium, which enabled me to get around easily. I also enjoyed going to Memorial Hall to train for track and field and even Lake Winona.”


John Otis ‘16

John majored in organizational communication. During his time at WSU, he was involved with Housing and Residence Life as well as WSU Admissions. He served as an RA/CA in Kirkland Hall and East Lake Apartments.

“I have a lot of fond memories during those times. My favorite thing about WSU is how the campus made me feel at home. I met many students and faculty, so when I would be roaming the campus, I'd see familiar faces and get lots of hellos!”

John currently resides in the Twin Cities.


Shelby Sandstrom ‘20

Shelby majored in business education. During her time at WSU, she was a member of Dream Closet, a campus tour guide, and a WSU fitness instructor.

“There’s too much to love about Winona, so I always refer to the three P's! The people: I made so many wonderful connections personally and professionally. The place: it’s a beautiful area with so many fun things to do. And the price: I received a college education at a great school for an affordable price.”

Shelby currently resides in the Twin Cities.


Elizabeth (Peschges) Thornton ‘10

Communications and Media Director, Professional Skaters Association

Elizabeth majored in Communication Arts and Literature (Teaching). During her time at WSU, she enjoyed being a campus tour guide and participating in the Miller Mentoring Program with Winona High School students.

“My favorite things about WSU are the walk-ability of campus and having professors who genuinely cared about their students.”

Elizabeth currently resides in Rochester, MN.


Christina Zajic '03

Branding Consultant and Realtor

Christina majored in public relations and minored in communication studies. During her time at WSU, she enjoyed being a member of the Warrior Cheer Team, a campus tour guide, and a student worker in the WSU Admissions Office.

After graduation, Christina utilized her degree in public relations and spent 16 years inside of the country’s top advertising, PR, and digital agencies based right in Minneapolis. One of her joys was providing agency tours to college students as they explored ways to put their college degrees to work.

Christina currently resides in the Twin Cities.

These alumni biographies and testimonials have been lightly edited for grammar, clarity, and length.