Reporting Injury on the Job

Worker’s Compensation

Injuries sustained by a student employee in the performance of ones own duties are covered by Worker’s Compensation. The student has to be in employment status (hired) at the time of the injury. 

The Worker’s Compensation Law requires the prompt filing of accident reports in cases of injuries suffered on the job. Fines are assessed for late reporting.

An employee is responsible for notifying their supervisor of an injury and for assisting the supervisor in the prompt and accurate completion of the reporting form. Forms are available at the Human Resources Office or on the Human Resources website.

Do not delay seeking emergency medical attention in order to report an injury.

Any serious injuries should be verbally reported to the Human Resources Office immediately. Injury reports must be filed within 48 hours.
For work-related injuries, the following steps should be taken:
  1. The student employee should report the injury to their supervisor as soon as possible. The supervisor should tell the student who should be contacted if the supervisor is not available. If this is a medical emergency, seek immediate care from Winona Health or Olmsted Medical Center.
  2. If the injury requires medical attention, go to Winona Health in Winona or Olmsted Medical Center in Rochester.  If first aid information is needed, call the Worker’s Compensation Managed Care Nurseline at 1.800.486.2913.
  3. As soon as possible after the injury occurs, the supervisor should contact Human Resources and secure the appropriate accident report forms that must be submitted to the Worker’s Compensation Division. The Human Resources Office will provide assistance in completing the forms if necessary.

Any questions regarding accident reports or Worker’s Compensation should be referred to the Human Resources Office.