Student taking tickets at basketball game.

What Does it Mean to be a "New Hire"?

You are a “new hire” if you have never worked for Winona State University before. If you have worked for Chartwell’s Dining Services on campus, you have not worked for WSU. Chartwell’s is a separate employer.

Work Study and Student Help

Once a supervisor has decided to offer you a work study or student help position, she or he will submit an electronic Authorization Form to student payroll. This form “authorizes” you to work for a particular department for a specific timeframe. However, if you have never worked for WSU before, you must complete hiring documents before you may begin working

Graduate Assistant 

If a department makes a decision to hire you as a graduate assistant, they send a completed “Appointment Form” to the Student Payroll Office. If you have never worked for WSU before, you must complete hiring documents before you may begin working.