Students playing in pep band at WSU basketball game.

Getting Paid

This is a subject that is near and dear to everyone’s hearts. Often payday Friday cannot come quickly enough for most people.

Students who begin a new job on campus often feel like it takes forever before they get their first paychecks.

Bi-Weekly Pay Schedule

Student payroll runs on a bi-weekly pay schedule. The pay period begins on a Wednesday, runs for two weeks and ends on a Tuesday.

Timesheets are submitted, approved and processed during the week of the second and final Tuesday of the pay period, which we call “payroll week.”  Students are paid the following week on Friday.

The student bi-weekly pay schedule (PDF) is created in April for the following “fiscal year” and lists the pay periods and pay dates from July 1 through June 30.

When the payroll is processed during payroll week, the students’ payments are “locked in” to go to the bank account that is in the system at the time payroll is processed.

This can be a bit confusing because you may think that you have another 6-7 business days to change your direct deposit account and alter the direction that your paycheck is headed, but that is not true.

Once the payroll has been locked, the only account to which that payment can go is the one that was active on the date the payroll was processed.