Parking Appeals

An Appeals Committee develops and make recommendations on all parking policies and regulations. The coordinator works with new parking development plans, reviews existing parking policies and regulations, and handles appeals.

If you believe you were unjustly cited or towed, you have the right to make an appeal. Any citation may be appealed if you believe it contradicts the WSU Parking Regulations or was an error. 

There are Unacceptable Extenuating Circumstances for Appeal (PDF) that will not be considered.

During the appeal process, payment of the citation is suspended, and late fines do not accrue until you receive notice of the hearing decision.

Step 1. Submit the Appeal Form

You can get an appeal form at the Parking Services Office in Sheehan 118. 

All appeals must be filed within 10 days from the date the citation was received.

Step 2. Appeal is Evaluated

Your appeal is reviewed by the Appeal Coordinator who evaluates it based on applicable WSU parking regulations. 

You will receive the Appeal Coordinator’s decision by email.

Step 3. Appeal to the Appeal Committee (Optional)

If the Appeal Coordinator denies your appeal, you can also file a written appeal to the Appeal Committee. 

This written appeal must be received by the Parking Office within 10 days of receiving the Appeal Coordinator’s decision.

Step 4. Appeal Committee Reviews the Appeal

The Appeal Committee will re-consider whether the citation was issued incorrectly. The decision of the Appeal Committee is final.

Definitions of Rulings

Contact Parking Services
Parking Services
Sheehan Hall 118


Email Parking Services
Office Hours

Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm