Facilities Forms and Services

Links on this page provide quick access to commonly requested Facilities services.

Additional forms related to Minnesota State System contracts and construction can be found on the Planning and Construction Forms page, including Requests for New Construction or Remodeling.

Surplus Property

Surplus Property is any state-owned property that is obsolete, unused, not needed for a public purpose, or ineffective for current use.

This includes equipment, materials, supplies, books, printed matter, buildings, and other property.

Offer Items to Campus Community

If you or your department has surplus items, you are responsible for advertising these items for at least 7 days to the campus community.

You should send an all-employee email containing item details including:

  • description
  • quantity
  • photos
  • location
  • condition
  • contact information so you can answer any questions about the items

Advertised surplus items must be used in areas on campus, and you cannot take them home for personal use. 

If you are interested in an item, you can arrange to pick up the items yourself or submit a work order for large items. Items are distributed on a first come, first served basis.

Unclaimed Items

If there are unclaimed items after the 7 day period, please email Facilities at surplus@winona.edu to let us know and arrange a pick up.

Items should be stored until Facilities has arranged and confirmed pick up. Do not place items in hallways.

We may ask that you place items by a loading dock or exterior door so that it's easier for our team to make the pick up.

Once the items are brought back to Facilities, we will determine if the items should be advertised to our statewide colleagues who qualify for them or if it should get recycled.

State-Wide Auction

If any department wants to advertise items on the statewide auction, the item must have a minimum value of $50. This is what the State charges us to advertise each item.

Reach out to Facilities if you think the item meets the minimum value criteria. We will work with you to plan the next steps.